Thursday 3 January 2013

A quiet send off and looking ahead

For New Year's Eve we decided to do something a little bit different, at least for us. Instead of heading off to a party to ring in the New Year with a large group of people, we bundled the kids into the trailer and headed off for a ride around the city. It was a nice change, and just what we needed after a busy year full of change and excitement. While the children stayed toasty, nodding in and out of sleep, my husband and I rode at a leisurely place, chatting about the year gone by and the year to come. We passed many familiar places, heading into downtown through Strathcona, then coasted down to the seawall at Hornby and enjoyed the quiet and beauty of a clear night. We made it back home just in time to wish our kids a Happy New Year with our Eastern Time Zone counterparts, and then sat and chatted over some wine until midnight, listening to the revelry outside and grateful for some quiet time together. All in all it was a nice way to welcome 2013.
Riding into downtown on the quiet bike lane

Bright light on a quiet night

When reflecting on the year to come, it's easy to understand why many people come up with resolutions. It's something that I've never really done, though, knowing that it was likely I wouldn't stick to them. This year is not too different, but I have made a few promises to myself that I hope to fulfill over the next 12 months, and would like to share some with you.

"I promise that I will not shy from change": I have never really been one to fear change, but this past year brought a new challenge professionally for me. I am still learning and adapting to my new role, and have entered the new year excited and still a bit nervous to throw myself into my role. I will be travelling regularly, and meeting many different people, which will take me out of my comfort zone as a stay at home parent, but I know that it will also help me grow personally and professionally, and that can never be a bad thing!

"I promise to respect myself and my body": Many resolutions centre around weight loss and achieving the "perfect" body. I could likely stand to lose a few inches or pounds, but this promise is meant to focus on understanding that I'm not perfect, and so long as I stay healthy through eating habits and physical activity, I am doing the best I can for my health and well-being. I will also respect myself enough to know that it is not a failure to indulge once and a while. After all, food is meant to be enjoyed, otherwise chocolate wouldn't taste so good!

"I promise to make time for the important people in my life": As life gets busy, it seems the first thing to go is time with friends and family. So I make a promise to myself and those important people to make time, even an hour, to catch up, share a coffee, and share a laugh.

"I promise to be civic-minded": In 2012 I posted about several issues regarding infrastructure and the way my city could use improvements or is succeeding. This year, I will try to do more than just write. Whether through volunteering or activism, I promise to put my words into action and try to effect change in the things I am unhappy with.

There you have it. A few simple promises, all meant to help make the year ahead successful. I wish all my followers a wonderful 2013. May the year bring you excitement, adventure, and love!
Cheers to you and yours!

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